(taken from South Bend Tribune Sunday January 14th, 2007 by Kathleen Lynn)
Add weather-stripping and caulking, especially in leaky older homes.
Install carbon monoxide detectors.
Check and repair the grout in the bathtub to prevent leaks.
Check attic for evidence of animal infestation. Replace batteries in smoke detectors.
Make plans for spring planting and make lists of house and yard repairs that need to be done. Call Hoots to get an estimate
Reseed bare patches in the lawn. Fertilize the lawn and shrubs. Spring clean house and clean windows.
Plant annuals and perennials. Mulch flower beds, till the ground for summer garden.
Paint indoors and have outside home repairs done. Clean the siding of your home.
July and August:
Check your deck and fence and make needed repairs. Trim the shrubs. Go on vacation and have Hoots take care of your lawn.
Have furnace checked. Check the weatherstripping around windows and doors.
Plant spring-flowering bulbs. Have trees pruned. Prune all plants and till under garden.
Clean gutters. Wrap basement pipes to save heat.
Clean out closets and garages. Donate items to get year-end tax deduction. Replace or clean furnace air filter.
Call Hoot's to help with any or all year-round projects.